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decrypt(data: String, key: String, transformation: String): String

Decrypts the Base64 data with specified Java Cryptographic transformation and the given key.

The transformation must include the name of a cryptographic algorithm (e.g., AES), and may be followed by a feedback mode and padding scheme. A transformation is of the form: 'algorithm/mode/padding' or 'algorithm'. See the Java Cipher docs for more information.


xtr.crypto.decrypt('vAkb3PWJPQF1kGkM3vQrdQ==', '$sixteencharkey$', 'AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding')
'Hello, world!'


xtrasonnet supports decryption through the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework. Every Java distribution is required to support a specific set of algorithms, while others may only be supported by third party libraries such as the popular Bouncy Castle libraries, which are bundled with xtrasonnet.


In order to facilitate encryption/decryption, xtrasonnet prefixes the encrypted data with the randomly generated initialization vector (IV) used by the JCE Cipher. Similarly, decryption operations expect such IV to be present in order to correctly decrypt the data.

The form of the payload byte array expected for decryption is as follows: [{encryption IV bytes},{encrypted data bytes}] where the size of the IV portion is equal to the block size for the selected algorithm.


encrypt(data: String, key: String, transformation: String): String

Encrypts the data with specified Java Cryptographic transformation and the given key, and encodes the result in Base64.

The transformation must include the name of a cryptographic algorithm (e.g., AES), and may be followed by a feedback mode and padding scheme. A transformation is of the form: 'algorithm/mode/padding' or 'algorithm'. See the Java Cipher docs for more information.


xtr.crypto.encrypt('Hello, world!', '$sixteencharkey$', 'AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding')


xtrasonnet supports encryption through the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework. Every Java distribution is required to support a specific set of algorithms, while others may only be found in third party libraries such as the popular Bouncy Castle libraries, which are bundled with xtrasonnet.


In order to facilitate encryption/decryption, xtrasonnet prefixes the encrypted data with the randomly generated initialization vector (IV) used by the JCE Cipher. Similarly decryption operations expect such IV to be present in order to correctly decrypt the data.

The form of the encrypted byte array payload is as follows: [{random IV bytes},{encrypted data bytes}] where the size of the IV portion is equal to the block size for the selected algorithm.


hash(data: String, algorithm: String): String

Calculates Message Digest for the data using the given hash algorithm, and encodes the result in a hexadecimal string.


xtr.crypto.hash('HelloWorld', 'MD5')


xtrasonnet supports Message Digests through the Java Security framework. Every Java distribution is required to support a specific set of algorithms, while others may only be supported by third party libraries. Users may be able to use an extended set of algorithms by adding any such library to the classpath.


hmac(data: String, key: String, algorithm: String): String

Calculates the Message Authentication Code for the data using the given cryptographic hash algorithm, and encodes the result in a hexadecimal string.


xtr.crypto.hmac('HelloWorld', 'xtrasonnet rules!', 'HMACSHA256')


xtrasonnet supports HMAC through the Java Security framework. Every Java distribution is required to support a specific set of algorithms, while others may only be supported by third party libraries. Users may be able to use an extended set of algorithms by adding any such library to the classpath.