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Using xtrasonnet programmatically

Once you've included the xtrasonnet dependency in your classpath, you can create a Transformer object to evaluate a jsonnet transformation. Here's a simple JSON-to-JSON example:

var myJsonnet = """
                firstKey: payload.key1,
                secondKey: payload.key2
var myTransformer = new Transformer(myJsonnet);

// transform our input when it's available
var myPayload = """
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2"
var output = myTransformer.transform(myPayload);

// the expected results
assert output.equals("""

Fine tuning the transformer

The Transformer class requires at least the jsonnet transformation template you wish the evaluate, but developers can further control the transformation behavior by passing more arguments, here's an extended example using a TransformerBuilder:

var myTransformer = Transformer.builder(myJsonnet)
        .withInputNames("second", "third") // (1)
        .withLibrary(myCustomLib) // (2)
        .extendPlugins((plugins) -> plugins.add(myCustomPlugin)) // (3)
  1. Signal to the transformer to expect inputs other than the payload input
  2. Extend the available functions with a custom Library
  3. Extend the supported data formats with a custom DataFormatPlugin

Fine tuning the transformation

Developers can also exert more control on the behavior of the transformation at the point they're ready to evaluate it, by passing more arguments to the transform method. To do so we leverage Document and MediaType objects:

OutputStream output = myTransformer.transform(
        Document.of(myInput, MediaTypes.APPLICATION_JSON), // (1)
        Map.of("second", mySecInput, "third", myThirdInput), // (2)
        MediaTypes.APPLICATION_XML, // (3)
        OutputStream.class); // (4)
  1. A Document object with the input content and the media type that describes its format.
  2. A java.util.Map containing the inputs, other than the payload input, that the transformation expects.
  3. The MediaType object representing the output format to be returned, if supported.
  4. The type of the object to be returned, if supported.

Header present

If the transformation jsonnet includes an xtrasonnet header the behavior to be expected is as follows:

  • If the .transform(String) method is used, a payload document is created internally with media type MediaTypes.UNKNOWN (equivalent to unknown/unknown), and the requested output set to MediaTypes.ANY (equivalent to */*). Then the following rules apply.
  • If the MediaType of any given input is MediaTypes.UNKNOWN (equivalent to unknown/unknown) then the header will be queried for a matching input directive. If the header does not specify, then the transformer will attempt to read it as JSON.
  • If the requested output MediaType is MediaTypes.ANY (equivalent to */*) then the header will be queried for an output directive. If the header does not specify one, then the transformer will attempt to write the output as JSON.