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Comma Separated Values

Supported MediaTypes

  • text/csv
  • application/csv

Reader parameters


The character for identifying quoted strings.


The character for identifying separate values.


The character for identifying an escape sequence.

Whether there is a header line present.

Allowed values are present or absent.

If marked as present the plugin will read each line into a jsonnet Object where the keys are the corresponding values of the header line, otherwise will read each line into an Array of String.


The columns names to use if a header line is not present in the input and jsonnet Objects are required.

The value must be a comma ',' separated list of column names. Alternatively, if the separator parameter is also present that character should be used.

Writer parameters


The character for quoting strings if necessary.


The character for separating values.


The character for escaping a character sequence.


Whether to output a header line.

Allowed values are present or absent.


The columns names to use if the jsonnet to output is an Array of String and the header parameter is also present.

The value must be a comma ',' separated list of column names. Alternatively, if the separator parameter is also present that character should be used.